Q.1) The .NET Framework provides a runtime environment called..... ?
B. CLR (Correct Answer)
Q.2) In ASP.NET in form page the object which contains the user name is ______ ?
A. Page.User.Identity (Correct Answer)
B. Page.User.IsInRole
C. Page.User.Name
D. None of the Above
Q.3) Find the term: The .NET framework which provides automatic memory management using a technique called ______________ ?
A. Serialization
B. Garbage Collection (Correct Answer)
C. Assemblies
D. Overriding
Q.4) Which of the following denote ways to manage state in an ASP.Net Application?
A. Session objects
B. Application objects
C. ViewState
D. All the Above (Correct Answer)
Q.5) What is the base class from which all Web forms inherit?
A. Master Page
B. Page Class (Correct Answer)
C. Session Class
D. None of the Above
Q.6) WSDL stands for _________________ ?
A. Web Server Description Language
B. Web Server Descriptor Language
C. Web Services Description Language (Correct Answer)
D. Web Services Descriptor Language
Q.7) Which of the following must be done in order to connect data from some data resource to Repeater control?
A. Set the DataSource property
B. Call the DataBind method
C. Both A) and B) (Correct Answer)
D. None of the Above
Q.8) Which of the following is FALSE?
A. ASP.NET applications run without a Web Server
B. ASP+ and ASP.NET refer to the same thing
C. ASP.NET is a major upgrade over ASP
D. None of the Above (Correct Answer)
Q.9) Which of the following transfer execution directly to another page?
A. A. Server.Transfer (Correct Answer)
B. Response.Redirect
C. Both A) and B)
D. None of the Above
Q.10) If one has two different web form controls in a application and if one wanted to know whether the values in the above two different web form control match what control must be used?
A. DataList
B. GridView
C. CompareValidator (Correct Answer)
D. Listview
Q.11) Which of the following is used to send email message from my ASP.NET page?
A. System.Web.Mail.MailMessage
B. System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail
C. Both A) and B) (Correct Answer)
D. None of the Above
Q.12) In my .NET Framework I have threads. Which of the following denote the possible priority level for the threads?
A. Normal
B. AboveNormal
C. Highest
D. All the Above (Correct Answer)
Q.13) In .NET the operation of reading metadata and using its contents is known as ______?
A. Reflection (Correct Answer)
B. Enumeration
C. Binding
D. Serialization
Q.14) In ASP.NET the < authorization > section contain which of the following elements?
A. < deny >
B. < allow >
C. Both A) and B) (Correct Answer)
D. None of the Above
Q.15) The type of code found in Code-Behind class is ________ ?
A. Server-side code (Correct Answer)
B. Client-side code
C. Both A) and B)
D. None of the above
Q.16) Common type system is built into which of the following:
A. CLR (Correct Answer)
Q.17) The actual work process of ASP.NET is taken care by _____________?
A. inetinfo.exe
B. aspnet_isapi.dll
C. aspnet_wp.exe (Correct Answer)
D. None of the Above
Q.18) Which of the following allow writing formatted output?
A. Response.Write()
B. Response.Output.Write() (Correct Answer)
C. Both A) and B)
D. None of the Above
Q.19) Which of the following denote the property in every validation control?
A. ControlToValidate property
B. Text property
C. Both A) and B) (Correct Answer)
D. None of the Above
Q.20) How many classes can a single .NET DLL contain?
A. One
B. Two
C. None
D. Many (Correct Answer)
Q.21) Suppose one wants to modify a SOAP message in a SOAP extension then how this can be achieved. Choose the correct option from below:
A. One must override the method ReceiveMessage (Correct Answer)
B. One must override the method InitializeMethod
C. Both A) and B)
D. One must override the method ProcessMessage
Q.22) Which of the following can be used to add alternating color scheme in a Repeater control?
A. AlternatingItemTemplate (Correct Answer)
B. DataSource
C. ColorValidator
D. None of the Above
Q.23) Suppose a .NET programmer wants to convert an object into a stream of bytes then the process is called ______________ ?
A. Serialization (Correct Answer)
B. Threading
D. AppDomain
Q.24) The technique that allow code to make function calls to .NET applications on other processes and on other machines is
A. .NET Threading
B. .NET Remoting (Correct Answer)
D. None of the above
Q.25) The namespace within the Microsoft .NET framework which provides the functionality to implement transaction processing is ....................
A. System.EnterpriseServices (Correct Answer)
B. System.Security
C. System.Diagnostics
D. System.Data
Q.26) Which of the following method is used to obtain details about information types of assembly?
A. GetTypes
B. GetType
C. Both A) and B) (Correct Answer)
D. None of the Above
Q.27) Which of the following is TRUE about Windows Authentication in ASP.NET?
A. Automatically determines role membership (Correct Answer)
B. Role membership determined only by user programming
C. ASP.NET does not support Windows Authentication
D. None of the Above
Q.28) What tags one need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually?
A. Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to false on the datagrid tag (Correct Answer)
B. Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag
C. It is not possible to do the operation
D. Set AutomaunalColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag
Q.29) Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
A. Load ( )
B. Fill( ) (Correct Answer)
C. DataList
D. DataBind
Q.30) In ASP.NET the sessions can be dumped by using
A. Session.Dump
B. Session.Abandon (Correct Answer)
C. Session.Exit
D. None of the Above
Q.31) ASP.NET is a _________________________ ?
A. Server Side Scripting Technology (Correct Answer)
B. Client Side Scripting Technology
C. Programming Language
D. Database Programming Language same as SQL.
Q.32) What is ASP+ ?
A. ASP+ is the same as ASP.NET. (Correct Answer)
B. ASP+ is the Next version of ASP.NET
C. ASP+ is just an early name used by Microsoft when they developed ASP.NET. (Correct Answer)
D. ASP+ is a programming Language Specially developed for ASP.NET
E. ASP+ is the new Web Server by Microsoft after IIS.
Q.33) ASP stands for ____________ ?
A. Active Side Pages
B. Active Script Pages
C. Active Server Page (Correct Answer)
D. Active Script Program
Q.34) ASP.NET provides increased performance by ____________________?
A. supporting active variables.
B. running CLR.
C. running compiled code. (Correct Answer)
D. using IIS Server
Q.35) What is the extension of ASP.NET web pages files
A. .ashx
B. .aspx (Correct Answer)
C. .asp
D. .ascx
Sau khi tự trả lời hoàn thành hết các câu hỏi, nếu các bạn muốn xem đáp án thì dùng chuột bôi đen vào các câu trả lời. Tương ứng với câu trả lời đúng thì sẽ hiển thị (Correct Answer). Chúc các bạn thi tốt 
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